New Port Visitor Centre, Qatar

Location: Doha, Qatar

Status: Ongoing

Sector: Mixed Use

Client: New Port Project

The capital city of Doha is located on the coast of the Arabian Gulf in the State of Qatar. The New Port Visitor Centre is part of the “New Doha Port Project” that will be constructed on an entirely new inland site located to the north of Mesaieed.

About the project

An attractive and functional building and master plan have been devised as part of the development control plan for the redevelopment of the port area. At its heart is the spectacular New Port Visitors Centre that will be the focal point of the plan. The approach from the south, the east and the west will reveal a dramatic building that is impressive when viewed from any angle.

Additional insights

The proposal respects existing site boundaries and operations with a development strategy based upon achieving compliance with the overall development control plan. The development plan is based upon the recognition of the existing port set-up, maximising the potential capacity, utilisation and enhancement of existing land uses. The New Port Project Visitors Centre, access roads and parking are located south of the existing port in a landscaped setting.

The Centre will be integrated into a landscape that draws on the topography, planting and natural features of the region, setting off the spectacular facility and weaving together the various elements of the master plan.

The landscape extends this feature of the master plan and fully integrates with the existing roadway system. Ultimately, this is a plan that can be easily understood, both in terms of pedestrian movement and vehicular with road links planned and located to provide efficient movement.

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