Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, UK

Location: London, UK

Status: Completed

Sector: Healthcare

Client: Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust

In 2012, following a series of feasibility studies, Llewelyn Davies was appointed as Lead Master Planner for the redevelopment of the Stanmore campus, which will see the site transformed to meet the needs of patients in the 21st century. By Spring 2013, Harrow Council, with support from the GLA, unanimously granted Outline Planning Permission, subject to Section 106 Agreements, which enables the phased reconstruction of the hospital as well as the disposal of residual lands for private residential sale to realise the Trust’s future development proposals.

Additional insights

  • Expertise in master planning, residential and hospital design used to identify the development potential of this Green Belt site
  • Design & Access Statement and Design Guide delivered as part of a process which achieved planning permission within 13 months of our appointment
  • One of the first real tests of the interpretation of the 2012 National Planning Policy Framework on a major Green Belt site
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